
International #GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of generosity and unity, a day to cometogether and give back in response to the unprecedented need caused byCOVID-19. On May 5, 2020 we come together as a global community…To give. To help. To thank. To heal. Now, more than ever, we need your help to continue.  Not for […]

The LINK- April 2020

A RAINBOW IS A SIGN THAT HE IS WITH US…Multi-colored rainbow arches atop the words “Totul sa fie bine” (everything will be okay), adorn the households of many in Romania as part of a national children’s campaign to encourage their neighbors and communities in this time of international COVID quarantine and isolation.  It is no different […]

A School that Spreads Hope

  Every woman deserves the opportunity to be employable in order to provide for her family. Unfortunately, not every women gets this opportunity in Romania. Iasmina was not given this opportunity. Iasmina is a 27 year old single mother of three children. For a long time, she had to stay at home with her children […]