Looking back at the past year we could see how God moved in our lives and in our communities. We witnessed great things, we felt the power of prayer and the love of Christ, through people. Every project, every meeting and conference, every gathering brought us closer to God and to our purpose of being “Partnering Christians in Witness and Action”.
MLI: Evaluation and Strategic Planning

On April 2nd 2024, just for a day, the Missio Link International Foundation (MLI) coordinating team stopped from their daily routines and focused on the future.
CAR- Children at Risk
Exchange of Romanian-American best practices regarding the reintegration of persons deprived of liberty - Integrated solutions and Innovative ideas

On April 23rd 2024, the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest hosted the event “Exchange of Romanian-American best practices regarding the reintegration of persons deprived of liberty – integrated solutions and innovative ideas”, organized by the Ministry of Justice and the National Administration of Penitentiaries, in partnership with the CEAS Federation – Christian Federation for Education and Social Assistance.
Moms' School - The Story of a Community

Over the years, not only has the early school dropout rate decreased, but also the academic situation has improved with more and more children graduating from secondary school and then vocational school, being the first generation in the family to have completed more than four classes and even with a professional training.
Gratitude Trophy for Missio Link International, offered by the Timis County Council

On June 26th 2024, we were honored to participate in the festive meeting organized by the Timis County Council on the occasion of Timis County Day, an event that marks the establishment in 1919 of the Romanian administration in the county.
Short Term Mission Teams - Connect, Experience, Serve

Partnering Christians in Witness and Action is at the core of our work at Missio Link International. In essence, our partners from the USA, UK and other countries, take part in ministry in Romania through support, prayer, sharing the vision and visiting us.
Deborah House Live Art Auction

Deborah House 2 was inaugurated in September 2006. For 18 years there wasn’t any work done at the exterior of the house so a renovation and roof repairs were long overdue.
Deborah House Live Art Auction Thank You for a Wonderful Christmas!

During this time of Winter Holidays, we would like to express our sincerest thanks and appreciation for the faithful support and generosity of our partners.
Church in Mission
Mission Conference with Dr. Stan Johnson

When we think of the word “conference” we imagine all sorts of pompous things like the lecturers, stuffy materials, participants aspiring to a higher level of knowledge, professional sessions, presentations, etc. That’s correct, because all of this is influenced bi-directionally both by the level of expectation of the participants and of the organizers.
Pastoral Conference - Alpinis Leadership Center

The Pastoral Conference organized by Missio Link International on September 2nd-6th 2024, gathered together about 45 pastors’ families. It was the first time the conference took place at the new Alpinis Leadership Center.
Uganda visit with US Partners

Zionsville Presbyterian Church, IN has been in partnership with MLI for more than 25 years forming a life long friendship. ZPC are involved in Leadership Development, mission trainings, youth camps, supporting pastors and church planting. ZPC have many focus areas in the world other than Romania, one of such focus area being Uganda.
Alpinis Leadership Center
In 2023 we officially opened the Alpinis Leadership Center (ALC) and in 2024 we have developed into an established location and ministry, combining the two aspects of hospitality and service in the Alpiniș Experience.
The ALC team has an important role in creating and maintaining programs and activities for different groups who express their wish of experiencing ALC.

Trauma Healing Course

On October 21-24 2024, at the Alpiniș Leadership Center, we organized a new session of Trauma Healing training with the support of GROVE Group, Memphis, TN and Christ Church, Oak Brook, IL (ChristChurch.us)
Coaching Course for Entrepreneurs and Managers

In March, through the Păltiniș Leadership Institute we organised a coaching course for entrepreneurs and managers. The focus was on learning how to use coaching to help people on our teams develop, boost their motivation, help them set personal goals, and know how to make a plan to achieve their work targets. This involves having adult-adult (not parent-child) type discussions with their team, the use of open-minded questions that do not suggest a direction, and empowering employees by giving them authority and responsibility to regularly evaluate progress and results.
This course was organized in partnership with Leader Impact, partners of Campus Crusade/Choose Life Association (CRU) in Romania. Our facilitators were Elvis Filote, Alina Filote and Cristina Dragomir, certified trainers with partnering company Synergic.
Thank you for your commitment, your love and empathy, for your unconditional support and trust shown through all this time.
We step into the New Year with our hearts full of gratitude and faith, knowing that God will guide our steps and look over us in everything we do according to His Word.
Thank you for your partnership in witness and action!
Emil Toader, Lorena Rusovan and the Missio Link International Team
Timișoara, Romania