Hillsborough Matching Grant Challenge 2024

Dear Friends,

Where do you find your joy? Is it in enjoying a peaceful quiet morning with your first cup of coffee, in the creativity of playing an instrument, or an escape to a favorite book?  Joy comes to all of us in many different ways and while these sources of joy can bring us happiness and satisfaction, imagine a profound joy that endures through the darkest seasons of life, a joy that reflects God’s glory, and surpasses all earthly experiences. Wouldn’t we all want such a deep and enduring joy? And wouldn’t we want to share this extraordinary joy with others?

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the
power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

The girls walking into Deborah House for their first time arrive hurt, angry, and confused. Our friends at Missio Link International work every day with each individual girl who has experienced trauma or severe abuse, offering them specialized counseling, medical care, educational support, and a familial love through the staff and houseparents at MLI. Through this work, the girls living at Deborah House are able to witness and experience Christ’s redeeming love helping them begin to experience joy again. While they are healing, they are able to not only find joy in their favorite hobbies and time with their new sisters, but they are also seeing the joy of the Lord, and learning to experience it themselves.

Whether you have read the transformative stories in our newsletters, or have spent time yourself at Deborah House in Romania, we pray that you can see the joy returning to these girls. Please join us during the month of August when Hillsborough Free Presbyterian Church of Northern Ireland is offering a matching grant up to $10,000 for all donations made to MLI’s Children at Risk ministries. Please consider giving during this opportunity, and be a part of the journey of God’s transformative work being done in Romania.
